Who are US2UGANDA4life? Established in 2009, US2UGANDA4life is an organization whose sole purpose is to help support Children in Uganda. It comprises a dedicated group of volunteers who are spread across the globe but primarily California, Texas, the UK and Sweden. Visitors to the US2UGANDA4life.org website can sponsor children or make one time donations to cover expense for the children. WHO OWN'S THIS SITE? This website is owned and managed by US2UGANDA4life, a CA 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established to promote and support programs to benefit children served by the organization in Uganda. DOES ALL MY MONEY REALLY GET TO UGANDA? Yes. If you make a contribution your money is used for the purchase and delivery of food, clothing, supplies, medicines, and any other expenses associated with the care of the children. If you choose to donate to a special project then your money is designated for that project. We guarantee that every donation gets to Africa! There are no US paid staff at US2UGANDA4life, it is a completely volunteer organization. HOW MUCH OF MY GIFT IS USED TO COVER ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS? All expenses associated with our US based operations are paid for by friends and family. [Bank fees, website and etc.] 100% of donations are transferred for the care of the children in Uganda. There are administrative expenses associated with Suubi Lyabann, our in country organization, these expenses are typically funded by corporate donors and grants. HOW DO YOU KNOW MONEY IS BEING SPENT APPROPRIATELY IN UGANDA? In 2017 we created a community based organization [CBO] in Masaka Uganda and named it Suubi Lyabanna which means "Hope for the children". This organization exists to manage all of the interests we have in Uganda, locally based and under the leadership of our director Peter Mukongo. Peter and other staff members oversee the care for over 240 children attending various schools, vocational programs and Universities in Uganda. Each month Peter prepares a detailed budget that is then reviewed and funded by Cormac. We are in constant contact with Peter on all matters relating to our children. WILL I RECEIVE A TAX RECEIPT FOR MY GIFT? Yes. We are a US 501(c)(3) organization and unless you have exceptional tax circumstances your gifts qualify as charitable donations. If you do not receive a tax statement by the end of January annually please feel free to send us a note to remind us. If you made a donation at one of our fundraising events and received a product or service in return for that gift then that donation does not qualify. IF MY COMPANY HAS A MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM WILL THEY GET A RECEIPT? Yes if your company has a matching gift program we can supply whatever paperwork is necessary to allow us to receive matching funds. Thanks in advance for thinking of us! HOW SOON DO YOU PUT MY GIFT TO WORK? Your money will be put to work immediately! HOW DO YOU DECIDE ON THE HIGHEST AND BEST USE OF MY GIFT? The first priority is the care of the children. School fees, and supplies. Uniform, clothing and any medical requirements. We communicate with Peter constantly and take teams at least once per year to stay well informed on priorities. Sponsorships account for almost 50% of the annual financial need so its most likely that your donations will be invested in the direct care of the children. IS MY ONLINE PURCHASE SECURE? Yes. Donations made on US2UGANDA4life website are secure. Our payment platforms employ the latest encryption technology to make sure that no one can access your private information as it travels across the Internet. They maintain certification of Payment Card Industry Compliance, which details security requirements for members, merchants and service providers that store, process or transmit cardholder data. Unfortunately they do charge a small %fee and sometimes add an additional transaction fee to provide their services! WILL US2UGANDA4life ACKNOWLEDGE MY GIFT? We do not have the ability to recognize every gift but every gift is logged and and a Tax Receipt issued at the end of each fiscal year for all gifts over $50.00 . If individual receipts are needed throughout the year we will be more than happy to provide them. WHY DO YOU NEED MY MAILING ADDRESS? We need your physical mailing address in the event we need to mail you a gift receipt for your tax records at the conclusion of each tax year. CAN I SEND A CHECK TO AVOID PROCESSING FEES Yes. Simply send your donation with a note to ; US2UGANDA4life C/O Cormac O’Modhrain 26795 Calle Real Capistrano Beach. CA 92624 |